Why Uncontested Divorce is Quick and Easy
The very nature of an uncontested divorce makes it clear why they are quickly growing in popularity as a preferred way to end a marriage. If the divorce is uncontested, this means that both spouses have come to an agreement that they would like a divorce, and neither spouse is going to fight the process in any way. When both spouses are on board with an uncontested divorce, a fast, simple, and easier divorce process becomes possible.
Why is an uncontested divorce faster than a conventional divorce?
When the divorce is uncontested, it is possible for the spouses to negotiate conditions and terms outside of the court system. If there are properties, assets, or liabilities that need to be divided, the couple can decide these matters on their own during a private mediation. This is even more of a factor when there are multiple decisions to be made, as taking the traditional divorce route, or a seeking a contested divorce, can take ages.
Contested divorces take much longer because your divorce proceedings have to go through an often strained and clogged court system. You have to wait for your hearing to be scheduled, coordinate with lawyers, and wait for your ruling. If your case requires multiple court appearances, the entire divorce process can take months, all the while your expenses will be growing significantly.
During an uncontested divorce, you can iron out all of the details of your divorce through meetings and negotiations with your spouse and simply file your agreement with the court.
What makes an uncontested divorce easier?
As mentioned before, uncontested divorces have the added benefit of avoiding drawn out trials. Instead, your personal matters can be kept personal, as you and your spouse discuss divorce conditions and come to agreements on your own. When these decisions get dragged into court, couples may find themselves in a spiteful battle that could have been avoided.
When couples are able to negotiate privately, with the help of a divorce attorney or mediator, they can be more flexible and harmonious. This can make it much easier to possibly forgive your spouse and begin to rebuild and move on with your life much sooner.
Keeping Your Divorce from Becoming Contested
If fair agreements cannot be met, or if complicated issues such as child custody are involved, an uncontested divorce runs a higher risk of becoming contested. In order to avoid this scenario, couples should enlist the help and guidance of a divorce attorney throughout the entire process.