USCIS Proposes Increases to Some Application Fees

USCIS Proposes Increases to Some Application Fees

Every two years, USCIS conducts fee reviews to determine if they are adequately recovering the costs expended to successfully operate.  Most of their budget is derived from collecting fees that accompany petitions and applications from individuals seeking immigration benefits.  USCIS fee revenues have reportedly been lower than projected, so they are proposing fee adjustments to hopefully successfully recover costs of operations.  The other apparent option is to cut staff, which would lengthen already long application processing times.

While most increases are minimal (and they even propose three decreases), there are a few which are more extreme then others; most notably is the increased fee from $545 to $755 for an I-694, a notice of Appeal of Decision.

They have also proposed to new fees for a Civil Surgeon Designation, an I-924 Application for Regional Center under the Immigrant Investor Pilot Program, and a general fee for an Immigrant Visa.

Keeping up with application requirements can be a tricky process, and minor flaws in an application can have dire consequences.  Our office can help ensure your application process goes as smoothly as possible.  Please feel free to contact us with any questions or concerns you may have, and we would be happy to assist you.