Every day, minors are brought over the border to the United States illegally by their parents, who hope to provide their children with better lives than they would be able to in their home countries. Many of these children successfully make it across, settle down, and for years go undetected. In the meantime, they go to public schools, learn English, become accustomed to American life and culture, and end up having the same dreams and hopes as any child born in the United States. This includes the dream of getting a college education.
Any many illegal immigrants do just that. They work hard, apply, and get accepted to universities across the nation. However, all the hard work and big dreams could be quickly taken away, for something as minor as a traffic violation. This is because DHS has a program known as 287(g) that allows local sheriffs to handle federal immigration law enforcement, part of the strict immigration legislation intending to prevent the presence of illegal immigrants in the country.
In order to help minors who have been in the country for years, have gone to school, and have not had any problems with the law, proposed legislation known as the Dream Act is intended to provide illegal students with a path to becoming legal. Officially called the Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors Act has met much opposition, however, by those who see illegal immigrants as a burden on society, especially minors whom have benefited from the American public education system. But, those in supportive of it say it is only right to allow minors, whom often times had no part in the decision making process to enter the country illegally, should not later be punished when they have done everything they can after getting to the country to be worthy citizens and contribute to the country they call home.
The ABA issued a report, conducted by Arnold & Porter LLC, outlining what it found to be the most pressing issues with the current immigration judicial system and making several recommendations for system restructuring to held ease the burdens.
The report states immigration courts have more than 280,000 proceedings a year. This amounts to over 1,000 heard by each immigration judge a year. The BIA decided more than 30,000 appeals a year, and of these more than 10,000 were filed for appeal to the federal circuit courts. This amounts to about 17% of the total cases handled by the federal circuit courts. This has amounted to the court systems being overwhelmed with backlogged immigration cases, and thus, effectively robbing many aliens of any chance of a fair hearing; this is especially alarming given the high stakes in removability proceedings, as in many times the alien is being faced with being sent back to a place they had hoped to leave behind. The report also states that there is great disparity between the immigration judges, determining that success is more often based on the judge that oversees the case than the actual merits of the case.
Thus, the report calls for an overhaul of the system, and proposes three restructuring themes that would ease the burden on the immigration judicial system and create more uniformity in the system. The Report also suggests that certain provision of the INA should be reformed, allowing certain undocumented noncitizens to more easily become lawful permanent residents through the adjustment of status process. It also recommends a narrowing of the definitions of aggravated felony and crimes involving moral turpitude to allow more fair application for noncitizens who have had longstanding ties to the United States.
For more information, please see the extensive and insightful report, located here.
28 Mar 2010
Proposed Refugee Act of 2010
Democratic Senator Patrick Leahy of Vermont introduced the Refugee Protection Act of 2010 to the senate this month. This bill hopes to make improvements to the current law, the Refugee Act of 1980, by making the process for asylum seekers more streamlined and accessible. This is an improvement that the U.S. Committee for Refugees and Immigrants finds is crucial.
The current legislation requires a waiting period of a year before asylees can be granted work permits. The proposed bill would eliminate this waiting period, allowing asylees to automatically become lawful permanent residents. This is arguably even more important for asylees, who often times are fleeing terrible conditions in their home country and are often the most vulnerable, because it will not only provide them the means to be more self sustaining, but also aid in their assimilation to the United States.
The bill is cosponsored by Senators Carl Levin of Michigan, Richard Durbin of Illinois, and Daniel Akaka of Hawaii.
19 Mar 2010
2010 Immigration Reform?
Republican and Democratic Senators announce a framework for immigration reform.
March 18th 2010 Senators Sens. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) and Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.) stated “the American people deserve more than empty rhetoric and impractical calls for mass deportation” in an editorial in the Washington Post. The proposal calls for substantially increased work place enforcement, mandatory biometric information in the form of a new card for all workers and the creation of a program to admit temporary workers. Requirements are payment of fines, community service, english testing, payment of back taxes and admission of guilt for being undocumented. It is unclear how many of the estimated 11 million undocumented immigrants would be able to adjust to a legal status. The proposals also reinforce the United States policy of favoring immigration for skilled workers.
This effort must be seen in the context of other national political battles, in particular health care reform. Without compromise on health care reform it is unlikely that comprehensive immigration reform will happen this year.