More on 2010 Proposed Immigration Reform
After unsuccessful attempt in 2006 and 2007, Congress has begun anew to address immigration reform. With President Obama’s support, Senators Schumer and Graham have announced a plan to reform the immigration system with the ultimate goals of helping to end illegal immigration, while also fueling the US economy. Some of the proposed legislation would require US citizens and legal immigrants to get new Social Security cards, which would be tied to fingerprints or some other biometric identifiers, allowing employers to easily verify that workers are here legally. They also hope to create a system that would bring temporary workers to the US based on what the current economy needs. In addition, the proposed immigration reform would hopefully provide paths for many of the estimated 10.8 million illegal immigrants in the US to gain legal status. In addition, increased border patrol has been proposed to prevent more immigrants from entering illegally. While the plan seems to have many benefits for both citizens and immigrants, it will require the support of both the Democrats and the Republicans, which may not be an easy task on an issue that has two divergent sides and competing ideals.